Saturday, September 20, 2008

Garage Sale!

We have cleaned out the house for the neighborhood junk sale. The last few days we have been gathering up all the junk in the house that might sell. ( Bob had the most junk) we set it up all nice in the garage waiting to pull it out in the morning only to wake to a very cold, wet, rainy, yucky day! Did that stop the crazies out for a good deal? Nope- 8:00 am and there is guy with a trailer waiting to get in our garage! I could not believe all the people still shopping garage sales in that weather! We sold quite a bit, and made enough to get Bob a Tux for the cruise! So I guess it was worth it.


Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

The bath pix are so cute! Priceless! I was feeling sorry for people who had drag all their stuff out the night before and were ready for the sale! I know how much work it is to get ready for! I am glad that is still went ok, there are those die hard garage sale buyers that is for sure! :)

Mike and Julina said...

I love garage sells. I'm glad people showed up and you didn't go to all that work for nothing.