Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bob's new truck

When Bob told me he bought a truck for $200 I was scared he was going to bring home a rusted out hunk of junk! Well I should know him better then that! It runs great, if you don't count the speedometer not working, and the A/C is dead. The radio works, you just have to listen for it cause the volume doesn't. It runs, and it is a great little truck to get to and from work, over all not bad for the money!

1 comment:

Mike and Julina said...

That is a nice looking truck! I can't believe Bob got it for just $200. I think Mike and Bob have a talent of finding good things at a great deal. Why can't I do that more often. White is my favorite color for a car/truck. I like it. I'll have Mike look at it when he wakes up.