Christmas with the Sousley's is great! We have so many family, and friends that might as well be family, all together! The kids all have thier buddies and play great together. The girls love hanging out, and the Boys always end up doing somthing funny to keep us all laughing!
As you can see from the above pictures, Santa thought we were all VERY good this year! There were SO many presents to open! It took us over 2 hours to get to the last one! I would love to go through all of it but it would make for a very long post so I will just hit the highlights....
This picture of Will makes me laugh! Is that not the perfect Christmas gift to Mom?? Look at that boy enjoying his loot!
Bob got a hellicopter, it was so fun, except for the damage it caused to Leslie's cieling fan, and the near death of small children! It kept us entertained and on our toes!
Gotta love the Hugh Hefner look!
Me... Oh wait I am the one taking all the pictures, so there are none of me on my camera! I am sure someone took a picture of me so I will add pictures later (maybe). I did have some wonderful gifts, I got a new dress coat, and my Miche bag I have coveted for so long!
Another highlight was a night out to dinner at the Outback with all the adults! NO KIDS! (Thank you Maddie and Tabitha for your awesomness!) We enjoyed out gift cards from Grandma and had a really fun time! Plus us girls got a little shopping trip in so we looked extra HOT!