Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Children's Day

Alex, in one of her many questionnaires, came to me the other day asking about Mother's day, when? Why? Father's day, when? why? Children's Day? WHAT? I don't think there is a children's day, but I guess if Mom and Dad get a special day, why not let the Children? So I asked when she wanted to have her day. "May 5th" she answered without hesitation. Sure. We really aren't all big on cinco de mio so why not? Well I had forgotten all about this conversation, thinking it was just a wayward thought, until last night when Alex came to me with her "Children's day Request list"

Translation( because this is not her best work, usually her spelling is much better!):
Dessert chocolate chip brownies. Dinner Chicken Alfredo and rolls and corn. Breakfast waffles. snack after school chocolate chip cookies. after school Kades house, time to be home 6:20. Go to bed 8:40. and done. (big hart)

I love how she knows exactly what she wants!
This is so funny on many levels! Her bed time is 8:00 (no exceptions) she has to be home from friends house at 5:30 ( no exceptions) I don't do junk food after school snacks, she usually gets an apple. But today is Children's day! So we had waffles for breakfast, we had Chocolate chip cookies for after-school snack, I even got her a present,instead of sending my beloved daughter out to play on this special day I bought some board games. William loves his "go Fishing " game, Alex got Crazy 8s and Old maid Reagan got CandyLand and we played them until dinner time.(not sure how Kade's mom would like her over till 6:20) Then of coarse we had chicken Alfredo, rolls, and corn! We compromised and put them to bed at 8:30. It was a fun day! I think every May 5th is Children's day at our house!


Leslie said...

What a great memory for her....but, what about next year? Will she remember?

Willis Family said...

I want to do children's day!! Pick me! Pick me!!

Mike and Julina said...

That is a great new family tradition. I love how she had the whole day planned out and I love that you guys did it. You go mom!

Robbie Chandler Fam said...

you are such a great mom!! Kimball actually asked me the exact same thing on Wednesday!!! I think I am going to do this too!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

That is hilarious! Kade mentioned something about when kids day was too, I told him everyday is kids day! :) that seemed to be good enough at least for now! Glad Kades how is considered something special! She usually says she doesn't need to go home till 5:35 I think she likes the last 5 minutes that she gets to stay when everyone else has to go :) They are hilarious I am glad they like to play together they are all good kids!