Saturday, April 25, 2009

Proud Me...

I found an awesome quote that I absolutly LOVE!
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, but there is something noble in being superior to your former self."

Being superior to your former self? I think that it is so important to be happy with who we are, content with what we have- but also trying to improve- not just wanting to. There is nothing wrong with trying to better ourselves- the key is to do it for ourselves.

I think that blogging has opened up a powerful, wonderful world for me. However, I think that it has also opened up a new venue for me to use for comparison. Why is my house not as fancy/clean/cute as theirs?
As if I didn't do this enough already...

I don't need to be as good as, pretty as, smart as, clean as.... Isn't it funny how even as an adult, I have to be reminded myself of the same lessons I am trying to teach my kids. For instance, after much whining, I say to my 7year old: Don't worry about what your friends are doing. You are different people. You like different things. It is ok. Worrying doesn't do any good... and on and on.

Why can't we accept ourselves? So I wanted to come up with a list of my good quailties that I am poud of, I have an endless list of things I need to change about me but was sadly surprised how long it takes me to come up with just 5...

1 I have an amazing metabolism...I can wear jeans I wore in high school but I don't work out that much.
2 I am a great listener, I may not always give you the advise you want, but I sincerely try to be honest and genuinely care.
3 I am frugle, I can take what money we dont have and make it work.
4 I am organized, I know where everything is in the mess!
5 I am a giver, if you ask I will go out of my way to do it.(this is a good/bad trait)

If only for a week, I will try to make extra effort to think positive about ME!
No Comparing.

I have such a long ways to go on this challenge. I need to look at the pictures on your blogs and be happy for your beautiful homes, clean faced/no snot noses/darling children. AND, to quit wishing a few things were different, accept what I can't change, be happy with what I have and put a little effort into a little self-improvement........ even if that means just getting one room clean.


Willis Family said...

I loved this post! The thing I love most about you is that you are nice to everybody unconditionally and that you don't judge people. You just get along with everyone! Oh, and there is that thing about you being drop dead gorgeous!

Leslie said...

An addendum to your list:
6. You are an amazing Mom!
7. You have a talent for making other people feel important.
8. You put up with Bob.
9. You make beautiful scrapbook pages.
10. You look so dang cute with any hair cut.
11. You have beautiful eyes.
12. You look so adorable in hats!
13. You are a great shopper!
14. You make us in-laws feel like your regular family.
15. You always have a smile on your face.
16. You are kind and considerate.
and I could go on and on.

Anonymous said...

Ok So you know I love ya and there are somethings that you really need to add to your list. Cause you are right you never give yourself credit!!
~you can be calm when everyone else around isn't
~you have overcome alot very gracefully
~you learn from your past and everyone elses which is a great trait
~you have always been there for me and have never given me bad advice
~you are a go getter, you do not like to sit!! unless you are sun bathing ;)
~you forgive easily
~you like to go to the zoo

So last thing and I will try not to get to sappy but I love ya!! I never had a sister and nor have I ever felt like I found one but I did. You are my best friend and my sister from another mother... hahah ok thats enough ;)


Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

That is a great reminder! "Things" don't last forever...the things that are forever are family and friends! I have loved getting to know you better, one of my favorite things about you is you are so laid back and up for anything. I don't think I have EVER heard a single whine or complaint from you. You are an upbeat, happy friend that I LOVE to hang out with. There is just something about an "easy" friend. And you know what I mean by "easy!" :) We can meet at McD's at the last second- For one, you'll actually GO to Mc D's, and I don't have to care about what I look like or that my kids are grubby!

Mike and Julina said...

I love this post. You are amazing and have so much to offer and share.
Great picture of you too.

Shaun & April said...

Loved the post... Can you pass along the metabolism thing? I'm struggling in that area. Not to compare ;) You are great.