Friday, June 5, 2009

My new chairs

After some amazing inspiration from Michelle, I decided to try my hand at upholstery. I found these chairs in a garage sale. Ok let me explain that last sentence, for those that know me I DO NOT garage sale. (something kind of creepy about rummaging through others junk) Please don't take offence I realize there are some amazing deals to be found and some people have all the luck finding them, I don't. I don't have the patients to drag my 3 kids around with me on a Saturday morning, I have better things to do. Anyhoo, so I was driving by and these chairs just jumped out at me, I stopped to see how much the lady was asking. $10.00 a chair and here I am committing the ultimate garage sale sin asking for them to hold the item while I get cash! ( you would have laughed if you saw this lady's face when I asked it was comical!) SO I run back to Walgreen's, stand in line for a pack of gum and some cash, run back to the lady and grab my steal of a deal chairs! I already new what fabric I wanted so I did some measuring and headed to JoAnn's with my 40% off coupons. A Staple gun, fabric glue, and a couple of hours later WA-LA My 2 new chairs! (okay just one is done so far but I had to share!!)




Willis Family said...

Wow! Pure talent!

Shaun & April said...

So cute I love it. BTW my sister's house looks like it is right out of the Pottery Barn magazine and it's ALL from garage sales and then she repaints, refinishes etc... Pretty amazing. I'm not so lucky with garage sales, plus I like my sleep on Saturdays too much.

Mike and Julina said...

WOW. It looks awesome. I love the material. Great job. That fabric is soooooo you.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

come on coulda got those for $5 a chair you have to haggle with 'em! ;) j/k Those look FAB!!!!!!! Way to go! That looks like fun too...was it fun? or just work but worth it work? We are finally back, we need to chat.