Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Okay I think I jinxed myself with that last post. "So little time" HA... it seems our paper work has hit a wall and it could be as long as 2 weeks before we move! In the meantime we have packed EVERYTHING! I am sleeping on a mattress on the floor, wearing the same jeans for eewww... going on 6 days! ( I have washed them,so they and my undies are clean.) Just tired of the same outfit! All of my belonging are packed away in someone Else's garage! SO annoying!
And to top off this "great" week I am having, last night we had some punk throw a big rock into Reagan's window!

Resulting in her scared to death crying, me having a heart attack and realizing what an amazing man I married! The second we heard the crash at 4:00 am Bob was out of bed and holding Reagan before I could even get in the room! Once we realized she was okay and not cut ( just scared to death) he passes her to me and then goes on patrol of the house to find the idiot! Unfortionally we didn't find him ( lucky for who ever did it cause if Bob had got him,I might have had a husband on trial for Murder!) The Police were called and they showed up pretty quick, They mentioned they were already in the area for a burglary, so beware and lock your doors!

On a good note I gotta share my awesome find!!!Check her out....The trunk not the cute baby!

I can't wait to polish it up and make it pretty. It is going to make a cool coffee table!


Mike and Julina said...

That sucks that your not in your house yet!
So glad Reagan was ok...I wish Bob found the jerk that did that....that would have made for a GREAT story! Those guys would have pooped their pants if Bob got a hold of them. That trunk is soooooo cute...and the baby in it. Her hair is getting so long.

Willis Family said...

They are very lucky didn't get a hold of them! That is so scary! I bet she was so scared! Hang in there about the house!

Leslie said...

Holy cow! When it rains it poors! You are definitely right about the punk being lucky Bob didn't find him. SUcks about the house....let's hope it's soon soon soon. I think you need a break and should come over for the 4th!

Robbie Chandler Fam said...

haha the visual image of Bob running around the house at 4am is great!!! I love the trunk!!!!