Monday, July 13, 2009

Long time, No post...

I know I have been toatally slacking on blogging, I am sooo far behind I dont know where to start? Okay maybe I do .... MY NEW HOUSE....Here is my pretty kitchen... It is hard to see in the picture but the quote up there reads " Live well, Laugh often, Love much"

Living room...

I have got the kids rooms sorta done. Alex's room we went with the beautiful painting already on the wall and did a tropical theme...

William wanted to stick with Disney Cars, ( I really tried to get him to do a Pirate theme but he didn't like them.*sniff* ) So here it is....

I still have to hang the checkered flags above the bed and add a few wall stickers but you get the idea!

Reagan's Room (Prepare yourselves....) Yes, that is a PINK wall! (Hell just froze over I know) But even I had to admit, she is so girly not to have pink would be a sin.
"With butterfly kisses and Ladybug Hugs, Sleep tight little one. Snug as a bug."This was a special present given to Alex from her Bepa, but she has out grown it so I gave it a fresh paint job and passed it on to Reagan, She loves climbing up there and giggling at the cute girl in the mittor. I will try and catch it on camera and post later.

I am having so much fun decorating, I have a ton more to. I haven't even touched my room or the bathrooms or the loft , okay you get the idea...but I LOVE IT! Even the yard work isn't so bad ( I mean it was BAD) but it makes it easier when it is my yard! I just read that and it sounds funny, I hope you know what I am trying to say. Anyway, when we moved in,the yard had A LOT of weeds and some rose bushes that were threatening to take over the entire house! We hacked down all six bushes and made this.... Well Bob made the rocks, but I planted all the pretty flowers! ( now lets just hope they survive my brown thumb.) We are going to go pick out a Pretty tree to plant behind the rock, and I want a few more flowers but it looks sooo much better! (I wish I took a before picture.)

Here are a few more pictures of what we have been up to...

A day at the zoo...

Fun at the splash park...

William got a big bike with training wheels!

4th of July in Melba. We had fun face painting,train riding, water sliding,BUll riding, icecream eating and an awesome display of fireworks! It was sooo hot! We were glad to have the trailer for a little cool down time.
Ride um Cowgirl!

Wow that was a lot and if you read ALL of it then I know you really do care about me! It is nice to be all caught up!


Willis Family said...

You are seriously sooooo talented! Some rooms of my house still look like I just moved in.....*sigh*.....Oh well, I will just look at your pictures:)

Mike and Julina said...

I LOVE your beautiful home. I can only imagine how good it feels to be in it finally. Alex's wall is beautiful!!! I want your kitchen. Thanks for the update.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

HOLY CRAP have you been BUSY!!!!!!!! THe house looks great! should've gotten a before pix on the rose planation! That is a lot of work in itself! It all looks so great way to go! I thought of you when i was in UT at that store I was telling you is more expensive now :( Good job lady! :)

Shaun & April said...

We still have our "Briggs" rock, Thanks to BOB! Love the house.