To say it plainly I have A pathological form of this fear (specific phobia) is variously called dental phobia, odontophobia, dentophobia, dentist phobia, or dental anxiety. Yeah all that! It is bad enough when this fear is inflicted on me, but when I have to sit by and watch this inflicted on my children... Ugg, momma bear syndrome comes out uber strong! In the past, when William had to have a root canal and silver cap put on one of his molars I made Bob go. I cant do it, I can not sit and hold thier hand while they cry and endure the most hated thing I can imagine.
Today was my day. Bob couldn't get away from work and Will had an abscess under the silver cap that had to be taken care of today, Reagan had a cavity so large I was afraid it might be another root canal, I couldn't deal with. So to get it all over with in one day was my way of thinking. (WHAT WAS I THINKING??)
Now I must say my kids Dentist is totally cool, he talks to them first, explains how it will feel, and then makes up cool things that happen while he is doing the work. Reagan gets the chair first, she has a large cavity that need to be drilled and filled. She thinks it is funny to wear the elephant nose and sniff pink fairy dust. The shot hurt a bit and made her cry, my heart break and the nurse to reassure ME! We survived and she gets a prize!
William is next for the chair. He has a large abscess under the silver cap that will require the whole tooth pulled. Will is a bit more sensitive to things around him, I think maybe he felt my nervousness for him cause he didn't even want the nurse to put the numbing stick in his mouth. I had to lean over him and calm him down for about 5 min before the elephant nose could even be put on. The fairy dust calmed him down but gave me a head ache from the second hand high I was getting. Finally Dr came in and started the yanking. I was surprised how easy and fast it came out. The tooth was HUGE and Will did good, he cried a little while they pulled it out, but he was happy as could be when I promised a milkshake at McD's.
Now my favorite part is going out to the lady at the front and forking over the remainder of my bank account to her! I can torture my children for free!I hate paying someone else to do that deed! At least it was over. The nurse giggled, and told me I could breathe again, and if I wanted a prize too? YES! I deserve one! From now on my kids are sugar free and must brush their teeth 30x a day cause I wont do that again!!
Ahhhhh! Sounds like a terrible day! I am glad you survived!
Way to hang in there mom but IF there's a next time, kick and scream until Bob takes the day off so he can go.
I schedule our boys vaccine appts on Mikes days off so he can be with them for their shots....I can't handle seeing them cry.
Good job Reagen and Will!
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