Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cleaning Sucks!

It’s never easy to figure out just where to start when it comes to cleaning, but I decided to pick the messiest place in the house — my daughter’s room. Making some kind of headway in there was more of what I would call a baby step. The place was such a friggin’ pig sty that I fully expected to hear an “Oink!” coming from the closet at any point in time. I can confidently say that my daughter is the epitome of a pack rat. Seriously, the chick can’t seem to throw anything, and I do mean anything, away. The way she had crap stashed under her bed made me wonder if she’s been seeking a future role on the tv show "Horders" . I was actually a little afraid of just what I might pull outta there next.

While I was digging through the mess I shooed the children outside to occupy their time with healthy activities such as riding a bike, or trampoline jumping instead of house thrashing and trouble making. Silly me, what was I thinking? Leaving the little hellions unattended for a minute or two while I put the house back together. I dig my self outta the mess to check on the beasts to find they had decided my white car would look better in beige. Yes, Will found the paint and USED IT ON MY CAR!!! So after a verbal lashing and a swat on the butt he was sent to his room while I scrubbed my car clean. Little did I know that while I was out in the garage scrubbing my car, the kids again, found themselves unattended to.

I was just congratulating myself on getting the paint off with out serious damage to my car or the child! To find my kitchen had become the official science lab of food color mixing. They had got the food coloring down from the back, top shelf of the pantry and climbed the counter tops to reach the cups on the top shelf in the cupboard and proceeded to fill with water and mix colors. Of coarse this activity is great to expand their trapeze careers and knowledge of color staining, just not very helpful in keeping the mopping and staining from my kitchen floor!

But what I REALLY learned during my marathon scouring session was that it’s all just a huge-ass waste of my time. As soon as I got one room straightened up and moved onto the next one, my little bulldozers had already demolished all my efforts to bits. Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’d all be just as content if we had dirt floors and a pet rat or two scampering about the quarters


Lyric Payne said...

Great commentary. I'm laughing out loud! So true my friend!

Mike and Julina said...

Oh you poor women! Why can't our homes clean themselves!?!?! I have the same trouble but it's my hubby that makes the messes right behind me.

Willis Family said...

I think you have to look at cleaning like that guy Dave Ramsey helps you get out of debt. He says do the small debts first so you feel some sort of accomplishment....well, lol attack the small rooms first. The bad thing is I usually fell that "finished" feeling and I don't finish the rest of the house :)

Willis Family said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You're funny.