Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It always amuses me how they get little kids to sit through "the Chair". I must admit I have a terrible phobia of the dentist. I cry and whimper the whole week leading up to the torture chair. But for the sake of my childrens teeth (and my bank account) I try to get the kids to the dentist every 6 months for thier regular check ups and extra floride! Well today was William's turn. I dread this because the unfortunate kid has teeth like mine. No matter how much we brush, floss, beg and pray for no cavities we always have one hanging out! Today was no different...
First ya go in to the brightly painted room filled with rainforest frogs to be laid gently out so you can lounge with the cool shades and a Bubble nose with your choice of smellly goodness. While kicking back to the cartoons with the ceiling TV. Then they spread numbing jelly on your gums so you dont feel the evil needle going 6 inches straight in to your skull! My kids sit there and take it like this is the coolest thing. After the sugar bug houses are cleaned out, and the dentist has painted on a gold star on that tooth he gets to go pick a prize form the bucket, and get get a free FroYO! Will was a champ through it all, he deserved this.....

I only wish I could handle it as well!

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