Thursday, September 25, 2008

Terrible 2's

Two years old, I always thought this was a fun age,(up until two days ago) he is talking, walking, saying fun things. William decided to test the limits of a 2 yr old. I will just list the events in chronicalogical order that happened in a 24 hr period...
1. He thinks it funny to push Reagan down when she pulls herself up on things.
2. He enjoys physically dragging Reagan by the feet into his room to "play"
3. While "playing" he drops toys on her head.
4. He emptys the entire bag of powdered sugar on the kitchen floor and drags Reagan into it to "Play" by this I mean drop sugar on her head!
5. He then climbs on a chair to the kitchen sink and dumps water all over my freshly powdered floor making sticky sugar glue!
Both children get a bath
6. While cleaning the sticky glue mess I banish him to his room where he found a Marker and drew all over his freshly bathed tummy, arms, and face. Into the bath he goes AGAIN.
7. Mommy is still mopping the floor and he sneaks into the living room, dumps the contents of my purse to find a pen to draw all over my couch!

By now Mommy has almost pulled all hair from her head and has put him upstairs with a movie hoping he will fall asleep while I scrub out pen from my couch. NO such luck.

8. He now finds my pictures just developed and cuts and draws all over them. I consider this lucky that he only cut pictures and not my leather couch!
9. He sees Reagan climbing the stairs so of coarse he has to push her down all three steps she climbed. (poor abused baby)
10. Im sure there was more but by this time I was so tramatized I must have blocked it all out!

AAAAAHHH the joys of the terrible 2's!

Leslie are you sure ya don't want to trade sweet little Caden for William?


Kim said...

Oh my goodness!!! Yikes!!! All I can say is poor Reagan!!! I hope she survives Williams terrible twos!!! I have to say that I have never had a two year old do that stuff...but then again, I haven't dealt with a boy yet! Fun times ahead, huh!!!
Well, I am glad that you made it through the day...and good luck on the rest of the week!

Leslie said...

All I can say is, "THat's sucks!!! I had days like that with Christian as a 2 year old. I followed him around one day with my camera and took a picture of everytime he got into something. I took an entire roll of film in one day and scrapbooked it and called it Devil Boy! WIlliam, stop taking after your Christian. Just remember....this, too, shall the expense of pictures, a couch, wasted time, and baby sister!!!! Take a deep breath, Mom...

Mema said...

How long is your cruise?

Anonymous said...

oh wow!! I had days like that with Nikolas, you just don't know how glad I am that Kyler never went through that least not yet...knock on wood. After a day like that, you deserve a very long, hot, relaxing bath with no interruptions.
And just keep reminding yourself your cruise will be your Re-charge!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

One time Kiera drew on the back of our couch- she was OLDER than William though! I made her sit there and scrub it until it came off- which it didn't and she sat there crying and scrubbing, aren't I so mean? Needless to say, she didn't ever draw again! And luckily it some how came off of our couch fun! :)

Mike and Julina said...

How did I miss reading this post.
Better late then never. This is the best story ever told. You need to send it into Readers' Digest or something like that. Oh I can't wait, one more year until I get a day like that.

Mike and Julina said...

WOW! Isn't motherhood full of surprises! I went through the same things with Julinas brother. He cut my brand new drapes and broke all my mothers Chrystal. The only thing that saved me was prayer. As the saying goes,"When it get's too hard to stand ... kneel."
My condolences. Give Regan a hug & a kiss on the head for me. And a Stern look for Will. Pam Bowen Montanez

Grandpa said...

In the old days, we marched to the following Jodie:
"Little Willy, mean as hell,
Pushed his sister down the well.
Said his mom while drawing water,
Gee it's hard to raise a daughter!
Sound off..1-2
Sound off..3-4
Sound off..1..2..3..4."