I read this post today and it just hit me "I could have written this" It put all my thoughts into writing! I wanted it on my blog so I could read it whenever I need to. The names have changed to make it personal to me, and I have add a few thoughts of my own. Thank You Jenni for a great post and the changes it has inspired in me.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about how to be a positive and grateful person. I think I often focus on the negative and dwell on my problems instead of focusing on the so many wonderful and positive things in my life. I want to be a more positive person because I really think
happiness is just deciding to be happy. You make the decision to love your life. You make the decision to think you have the greatest kids, the best husband, the best life and when you think all these things they actually become true. Because most of the time they are but you just don't appreciate or realize it. I feel like I have been told this my whole life but it is finally hitting me. I think it all started back when I was growing up. I grew up very fortunate. I have two amazing parents who really love each other, love us kids and were very hands on parents. I have great brothers and a great sister, we always had our needs and most of our wants met and I honestly have not had many trials in my life. I had the kind of parents who came to sporting events, we had family dinner every night, we went on family vacations and we were very close and still are. Sometimes I felt guilty being so fortunate when many of my friends were not so lucky. They would always comment on how lucky I was and it made me feel bad that I was so lucky. I felt like I didn't deserve the "perfect" life I had. So I began subconsciously to almost make up problems or create problems thinking it would make them and myself feel better. I would also focus on the bad things in my family (because even great families have their problems) so when all my friends talked about their problems I would have things to talk about too. I am sure it didn't help them at all and all it did for me was teach me how to focus on the negative. At this point I don't think there is any reason for my negativity I just think it is habit. It trained me to dwell on the bad things in my life and I feel it still effects my attitude to this day. When Bob comes home from work I tell him all the bad things that happened during the day. I tell him about the time William got into trouble instead of the other 85% of the time he was being a sweetie. When I have a cold it is all I complain about and focus on when I should be grateful it is just a cold when there are so many other worse health problems I could be dealing with. No matter how well things are I will find something wrong. Even when things are not going well or I am having a hard time with something I am sure I make them harder by dwelling on them or just not focusing on what is going well. It is easy right now to focus on the uncertain future with the economy the way it is and the election coming up but what good does that do. I am ready for a change. All of that is the old Wendy because now I have decided to start being more positive, to focus on the good and find humor in all things.
There is nothing wrong with being happy. Sometimes I think our culture tells us we are bragging, or not being honest with ourselves but that is really unfair. I think by not appreciating your blessings in life you are being ungrateful.
I think I may also start a weekly gratitude post...
I am greatful for a sweet, healthy, smart son!