Here is our newest addition to the family! Denali is a 10 wk old Siberian Huskey, isn't she pretty!!! We picked her up while in Pocatello, so we have had her for 5 days and already she has learned to sit and lay down on command! We are still working on th potty training thing, but she is getting better! The kids love her, Will goes around all day calling her to follow him and SHE DOES! Alex has dressed her up a couple of times already, and Reagan tries to eat her! She is really a good pup so far and we are enjoying her!
what a very pretty dog! :) That is just what Will needs a little pal to follow him around! :) Glad your Thanksgiving was good, it's always nice to be around family. :)
Oh, he is so cute! Have you ever had one before? If not, as an owner of a Siberian husky all I can say is GOOD LUCK! Siberians are honestly like no other dog and they are amazing but they are a lot of work at the beginning. Just wait. Ours just turned 7 and is finally out of the puppy phase. Ours is the best dog ever and I couldn't deal with any other breed because Siberians are so unique you just fall in love with them. But they require a lot. I have a bunch of books you should read because when you understand their personality and temperament it is a lot easier to train them and deal with them. We should get ours together because Siberians love each other. Have fun!
What a sweet puppy!!! Good luck on the potty training thing. Potty training humans is hard enough;)!!! It was good to see you guys on thanksgiving!
She is to die for. SO beautiful! I can't wait to see her in 3 weeks. Blue and her will love each other. Congrats.
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