Monday, April 19, 2010

Room Cleaning???

Okay maybe I should explain the title to this post. Today I was attempting to instill some good habits into my boy. CLEAN YOUR ROOM, this should not be a hard concept for a 4 yr old to put toys into his massive toy box and throw dirty clothes all the way across the hall to the laundry right? Yeah right!!
Will was upstairs "cleaning" for almost an hour when I go to check, the room was not perfect, but there was some definate progress, the majority of the toys were off the floor and most of the clothes were picked up...Notice I did not say they were put away or cleaned up! Alex comes home from her friends house and asked if we had a party in the yard. What the??? So I go out and find this....

Yes William managed to throw all of this stuff out the window, and then pull the screen back into place so I wouldn't notice. Not sure if this is the work of a genius or somthing much more sinister??


Kellie said...

You are going to have to watch out for this one!

Leslie said...

Ok, that is definately a new one! You could make millions on writing The MisAdventures of William the Great! Just a thought!

Nathan and Rebecca said...

Oh my gosh, that is sooo funny. You got a smart one on your hands. . .

Willis Family said... least he is creative!

Shaun & April said...

That is too funny!

Mike and Julina said...

I can't stop laughing! That is genius for a 4 year old. I really wonder what goes through the minds of children. Thanks for the laugh!

Robbie Chandler Fam said...

OHh Will!! I will call that SMART!!! Ohh my!!! That is all i keep thinking!! OHH MY!!!

5dollarFanatic said...

so totally hilarious!!! I can only imagine what your reaction was.