Wednesday, January 28, 2009

99 things about me

Ok I am really bored, I was reading my emails and found this Tag. Don't worry I won't tag anybody else with this only if you want to do it.... It is really hard to come up with 100 things about yourself!

1. My favorite color is red

2. I drink Coke and Dr Pepper alternatly, William asks for a drink of my "Coke Pepper"

3. I hate breakfast

4. I am a mom of three

5. I have been married to a wonderful man for 10 years.

6. I love cats but can't seem to keep one :(

7. I have a fish.

8. I have a cute husky puppy.

9. When I was little I had a gap in my front teeth.

10. On long drives I sit with my left leg curled under.

11. I hate seat belts, but I am trying to learn to like them.

12. I am addicted to the Twilight series

13. I can't keep plants alive. All of my plants are fake.

14. I hate pink

15. I have a personal space bubble. Only people I LOVE can enter into this bubble comfortably. Hugs are a littel akwerd.

16. I am a sucker for cheesy romance novels.

17. I am afraid of the dark if I am alone.

18. I love scary movies. Not bloody ones. Think the 6th sence.

19. I hate spiders. Even little ones give me the creeps eeew!

20. I miss hanging out with my bros and sister, wish they lived closer!

21. I love my in-laws ALL OF THEM!

22. I think my kids are the cutest of any kids!

23. I brush my teeth 3-4x a day and I still have LOTS of cavitis.

24. I can't spell, seriously spell check saves much emmbarassment!

25. I hate turtleneck sweaters!

26. I have a tattoo.

27. I love having my nails done.

28. I am shy around people I don't know.

29. I like playing video games.

30. My favorite is Halo, and recently the wii

31. I am blind with out my contacts.

32. I don't own a pair of glasses.

33. I love to scrapbook.

34. My house is usally clean but my bedroom is always a mess. ( I belive it healthy to have one room that is stress free)

35. My favorite time of year is Summer.

36. I Hate being cold, sweaters and socks!

37. I want to go back to school someday.

38. I hate heels, love the way they look, hate the way they feel. Plus Im already 5'10, I really don't need the extra heighth.

39. I won't use public bathrooms unless it is a dire emergency!

40. I have a colorless spot on my top lip.

41. I have held a baby tiger

42. I have been stepped on be an elephant. Yes I have pictures.

43. I don't like food, I eat cause I need to, there isn't anything that I "Gotta Have"

44. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolis

45. My sister calls me Wieners, not sure why?

46. I hate reading out loud.

47. I like to go to the zoo.

48. I have never broken a bone.

49. I still have my tonsils.

50. I love the smell of new babies.

51. I fear outliving any of my kids.

52. I drive a white Nissan Maxima.

53. I dislike the taste of water so I always have flavored water packets in my purse.

54. I don't vote. I know this is terrible and I am ashamed to admit this fact about me, but I don't follow politics so my vote would be uneducated and I think that is worse.

55. I believe in ghosts. Especially at my Mom's house.

56. I want to go to Africa someday.

57. I didn't go to my senior Prom.

58. I lost a free throw contest to a monkey.

59. I can't handle the feel of raw wood. NO wooden spoons in my house! and the sound of wood on a metal pan gives me chills. Just thinking about it I have goose bumps.YUCK!

60. I am happy.

70. Teaching primary is a challenge for me. I don't know why I am nervous in front of a bunch of 6 year olds.

71. I hate feet. Feet are ugly.

72. I have been to Mexico, Canada, and Thailand

73. Favorite candy is orange sticks.

74. I hate trailing farts from Bob! Yeah you guessed it he just walked by..gross

75. I think Christian Bale is hot!

76. I drive 225 miles to get my hair done.

77. My favorite lotion is bath and Body Fresh pinnapple That they have just dicontinued :( So I have to find it on ebay, but I don't know for how much longer.

78. I don't wear perfume.

79. I hate hiccups.

80. Favorite disney movie is Little Mermaid, followed by Anastasia ( is that Disney?)

81. I can quote all of the disney movies word for word. (perks to being a SAHM)

82. I have lived in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Texas.

83. I am happy with my wieght. FINALLY!

84. I listen to counrty music.But do try to stay up on the top 40.

85. I did a backflip on the trampoline when I was 6 mo pregnant.

86. I bet my brother $100 that I could do a backflip at age 40.

87. I want to skydive for my 30th birthday.

88. This is taking way too long to do!

89. I have a really hard time thinking of 100 things about myself

90. Tv shows Im watching... American Idol, Grey's, Lost & 24

91. I recently joined a gym and am loving it!

92. I CAN NOT sing

93. I sing, loud, to the radio when alone.

94. I have a thing for purses.

95. I am a morning person. (didn't used to be, but kids do things to ya!)

96. I am a "slective perfectionist" meaning my dishes and food must be put in the right place or it bugs me, but my room can look like a tornado hit!

96. I do not like to cook.

97. I have completly run out of things about me.

98. I just relized I don't have 100 things about me to share.

99. I have no problem changing this title to "99 things about me"

Wow that was alot harder then I thought. For those who want a challenge try it!


Leslie said...

That was totally fun to read!!!

Mike and Julina said...

I loved reading it too. Even though I said I was done doing tags, I MAY do this one because I know I will be bored tomorrow, I'm staying home tomorrow or I will spend money.
I am right there with you on that spell check thing...I count on it so often. I wanna see pictures of you being stepped on by an elephant. That was fun to read.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

That was fun to read! I am not sure I have the patience to sit and write 100 things about me...hey! that could be my #1 thing! :)

Lyric Payne said...

An elephant really stepped on you? And you live to tell about it? I'll give you a big huge hug next time I see you just to test the personal space thing!!